Business Owners will no longer be able to create a new Deal, Gift Certificate, or Check-in Offer after October 9, 2024. If you’d like a record of your transaction history or unredeemed Deals or Gift Certificates, please save this information from your Yelp account by December 9, 2024, before it’s no longer viewable.
Business owners with current or past Deals/Gift Certificates: As outlined in the Merchant Terms for Deals and Certificates, existing Deals and Certificates will continue to remain valid according to their terms and you are required to continue honoring the paid value of all issued Yelp Deals and Certificates indefinitely.
For more information, visit our Deals, Gift Certificates and Check-In Offers FAQ page.
We want Yelp Deals and Gift Certificates to be a great experience for every customer, and we're happy to cancel your purchase and issue a refund if you're not satisfied or if you changed your mind for any reason. You can contact our Support team to request a refund, and please let us know if there were any issues with the business or the promotion itself so that we can follow up with the business if needed.
Please note that per our General Terms for Yelp Deals and Gift Certificates, reselling a Yelp Deal or Gift Certificate is prohibited.