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How can I access a copy of my contributions to Yelp?

You can access your Yelp contributions by logging into your account. Alternatively, you can request your contributions (as well as other data) by going to your Privacy Settings and clicking on the link to "Download a copy of your Yelp data" in the upper right corner of the page.  

After you make a request, you will receive an email containing a link to initiate the download, which will be sent to the primary email address associated with your account. It may take a few days after you make your request for Yelp to send you the email containing the download link. In an effort to protect the information's security, the link will expire after four days. If the link to access your information expires before you’ve downloaded your information, you will need to make a new request through the download tool.

As noted above, you can also access your contributions through your Yelp account by going to About Me

NOTE: The information in the download may contain personal information - please make sure that you keep it secure and be mindful of where and how you share that information with others.

Troubleshooting suggestions for download tool

If you don’t receive an email confirmation or the email with the link, you may want to try some of our email troubleshooting suggestions. Please note that you must be logged in to access the tool. If you are still unable to download your information, please contact our Support team