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How do I bookmark or save businesses that I'd like to review or try?

You can use the Collections feature to save and keep track of great local businesses on Yelp so you can easily find them again later. Please note that your bookmarks are now a Collection called My Bookmarks in the Collections section of your profile and you’ll need to be logged in to your Yelp user account to use the feature. 

Instructions for:

To save a business page to a collection from Yelp.com

  1. Find the business page that you would like to save
  2. Click Save at the top of the business page
  3. Choose the Collection you’d like to save the business to and click Save next to it

Open the Collections tab in your profile to view your collections, discover another Yelper’s Collection and Recommended Collections or create a new one. Please note that the “Recommended for You” Collections are currently only available in the US. 

To remove a saved business from a Collection, click the bookmark icon next to the business and click Remove.

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If you're using an iPhone/Android

  1. ​Find the business page that you would like to save
  2. Tap Save (Android) or tap the bookmark icon (iPhone) at the top of the business page
  3. Tap the Collection you’d like to save the business to
You can view your Collections, discover another Yelper’s Collection or Recommended Collections and create a new one on mobile by tapping the Collections button in the bottom navigation bar. Please note that the “Recommended for You” Collections are currently only available in the US. 

To remove a saved business from a Collection, tap the bookmark icon next to the business and tap Remove

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