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How do I cancel or edit an Event I've posted?

To edit an Event you've posted on Yelp

  1. Go to the Events section of your account
  2. Click the Events Submitted tab
  3. Click the Event you wish to edit
  4. Click Edit Event Details below the event description
  5. Make the needed changes to the Event
  6. Click Update Event

To cancel an Event you've posted on Yelp

  1. Go to the Events section of your account
  2. Click the Events Submitted tab
  3. Click the Event you wish to cancel
  4. Click Edit Event Details below the event description
  5. Click Cancel This Event

After 30 days, your Event will be locked and you won't be able to edit any information. If you've made a mistake and can't edit, we suggest you cancel the Event and add a new one, or add a comment on the page to clear up any confusion.

You can't cancel or edit Events from a mobile device; you'll need to log in to the full site at www.yelp.com.