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How do I edit one of my reviews?

You can edit a review to correct a mistake or include something you forgot about your original experience. If you want to post about a newer experience you had with the business, you can post a review update.  You can also remove the review. You can only edit a review within 30 days of posting it. Similarly, you can only edit a review update within 30 days of when that update was posted.
Instructions for:

To edit your review at yelp.co.uk

  1. Go to the Reviews section of your account
  2. Click Edit below the review you would like to edit
  3. Edit the review text 
  4. Click Post to save your edited review 

If you're using an iPhone

  1. Log in to your user account
  2. Tap Me
  3. Tap Reviews
  4. Tap Edit Review below the review you would like to edit
  5. Edit the review text 
  6. Tap Post to save your edited review

If you're using an Android

  1. Log in to your user account
  2. Tap Me
  3. Tap Reviews
  4. Tap the review you would like to edit
  5. From the overflow menu (the 3 dots), tap Edit Review
  6. Edit the review text 
  7. Tap Post to save your edited review