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How do I message a business or request a quote?

The “Message the Business” or “Request a Quote” feature allows Yelpers to message business owners directly with questions about the business or their services – pricing, availability, offerings, or anything else you may need to ask. Depending on the category of the business and whether or not they have the feature enabled, you’ll see either a “Request a Quote” or “Message the Business” link below their contact info. Click or tap there to get started.

When requesting a quote from a business, you may be presented with additional questions about your project. This ensures the business receives all the details they need to provide you with a quick and accurate quote, and saves you from having to provide a long description of your project. These additional questions are available only to business categories that qualify. After having provided all necessary details about your project, you may choose to send your request to additional businesses to receive competing quotes. 

Once you have sent a message to a business or a request for a quote, that message will be visible in the Sent Messages section of your account.

After requesting a quote, users may opt in or out of text notifications.