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How do I personalize my experience on Yelp?

You can select your preferences to personalize your experience on Yelp and to help us give you better recommendations. You can, for example, include dietary preferences, tell us about your favorite foods, or what type of venue you prefer when going out for drinks. After indicating your preferences, the app will update in real-time and show you recommendations tailored to your preferences in search results and on the Search home page. Underneath each recommendation you’ll see a heart icon which indicates this is based on your selected preferences. You can edit your preferences anytime and any options you don’t select will not disappear from Yelp, we will just prioritize those options you select when we make recommendations.

How to add/edit preferences

If you're using an iPhone
  1. Tap Me
  2. Tap Your Preferences
  3. Tap items in the different categories to select them (tap again to undo). Tap See More to see all available options in a category
  4. Tap Back to save preferences
If you're using an Android
  1. Tap Me
  2. Tap Your Preferences
  3. Tap items in Dietary and Food categories to select them (tap again to undo).
  4. Tap Save Preferences