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How can we help?

How do I report a Tip?

We take the removal of content very seriously and will only remove a Tip if it violates our Content Guidelines. Tips are visible on the consumer app, which is where you'll see the option to report them.

Please note that you can't report a Tip from www.yelp.com, biz.yelp.com, or the Yelp for Business App.

Consumer app instructions for:

From an iPhone

  1. Tap the text of the Tip on the business page to expand it
  2. Tap the More Options icon:
User-added image
  1. Tap Report Tip

From an Android

  1. Tap the text of the Tip on the business page to expand it
  2. Tap the Overflow Menu:
User-added image
  1. Tap Report Tip