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How do I report substantial business changes?

Learn how to suggest substantial business changes (closures, temporary closures, moves, etc.) below, but please read our guidelines for quality submissions. If you’re reporting simpler business information updates (hours, phone number, etc.), please read our instructions for general business information updates.

Instructions for:

Yelpers & Business Owners

When reporting substantial business changes on www.yelp.com, the Yelp App or on the Yelp for Business app, these should be explained in the Additional Context/Notes section at the bottom of the page/app to help our moderators process your request.

Please note that business owners cannot suggest these changes from biz.yelp.com; please use the Yelp for Business app to report substantial business changes or follow the instructions for www.yelp.com below.

From the website (www.yelp.com)

  1. Find the business page you'd like to update
  2. Click the Suggest an edit link:
  3. If applicable, check the Business Closed or Moved box (other changes can be specified in the Additional Context field):
User-added image
  1. Enter as much info as possible in the Additional Context field: This will help our moderators verify the changes more promptly, e.g. a link to a Facebook post, tweet, article, blog post, etc. For example, "The business has closed - look at their website: www.samplebiz.com"
User-added image
  1. Click Submit Changes

From an iPhone/Android

  1. Find the business page you'd like to update
  2. Tap Suggest an edit. You can also tap the More Options icon (3 dots) then tap Suggest an edit from the listed options
  3. If reporting a closure, toggle the Permanently closed? switch at the top to Yes. Other changes can be specified in the Notes field.
  4. Enter additional info in the Notes field: This will help our moderators verify the changes more promptly, e.g. a link to a Facebook post, tweet, article, blog post, etc. For example, "The business has closed - look at their website: www.samplebiz.com"
  5. Tap Done after adding your note
  6. Tap Submit

From the Yelp for Business app

  1. Tap Biz Info in the bottom navigation bar (or tap More/the sidebar menu and then Biz Info)
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and tap Mark Business as Closed
  3. Use the toggle switch to Close Temporarily if your business is closed for a limited period of time (e.g. for a renovation) or tap Close Permanently if your business is permanently closed
  4. Provide additional details so our moderators can verify the change
  5. Tap Save (temporary closure) or Request Closure (permanent closure)