Looking for a business? Search Yelp.com or go to Yelp for Business Owners

Support Center

How can we help?

How do I use Yelp's Support Center?

You can find answers to our most frequently asked questions here in the Support Center - including questions about our recommendation softwareclaiming a business pageupdating business information, reporting questionable content, and many more.

To get started: use the search bar above, or navigate through the topics in the sidebar

Tips for Searching

Our search is keyword based, so the more concise the better! Try narrowing your inquiry down to the basics, and make sure you're not making any spelling errors. Examples of a good search:

Are you in the right place?

If you're here to find great local businesses, you'll want to leave the Support Center and search the main site at yelp.com. If you're a business owner and looking to log in to your account at Yelp for Business (or sign up for one), head over to biz.yelp.com.