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How do I remove a profile photo from my user account?

Yelper instructions for removing your profile photo from:

To remove your profile photo from yelp.co.uk

  1. Go to your profile page 
  2. Click on your profile photo
  3. Click the photo you would like to remove
  4. Click Remove photo
  5. Click Remove

To remove your profile photo from an iPhone

  1. Tap the Me button
  2. Tap your profile photo
  3. Find the photo you'd like to remove and tap the More Options icon:
User-added image
  1. Tap Remove Photo

To remove your profile photo from an Android​

  1. Tap the Me button
  2. Tap your profile photo
  3. Find the photo you'd like to remove and tap the Overflow Menu:
User-added image
  1. Tap Remove Photo
  2. Tap Remove in the prompt