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Can I suggest changes to the "Amenities and More" section of a business page?

The “Amenities and More” section of a business page contains both factual and subjective attributes, the availability of which depends on the category of the business (for example, “catering” won’t be an option for a dentist).

Factual attributes are attributes that are based on facts, for example, whether a business accepts credit cards, provides compostable containers, offers takeout/delivery or if the business owners are Black-owned or Women-owned. Most factual attributes are voted on by Yelpers, but some factual attributes can only be activated by business owners who have claimed their business.

Subjective attributes or opinion-based attributes are voter based by Yelpers and cannot be set by the business owner. These are typically attributes that are based on Yelpers’ subjective opinions about, for example, a business’ price range, ambiance or noise level.

Instructions for:

Yelpers: You can only submit votes for the available attributes of a business when you review or check-in. Once you’ve done either of these, the voting options will appear.

Business Owners: You can set factual attributes from your Yelp for Business account by going to Business Information then selecting the attributes you want to add under the Amenities and More section.