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Getting started with your first review

What kind of places can I review on Yelp? 

While many people think that Yelp is only for reviewing restaurants and bars, we actually have over a thousand categories of business types that users can review – almost anything you have a local experience or interaction with (although there are guidelines and restrictions). And if we're missing anything, you can add it to our directory.

What should I include in my review?

The best reviews are passionate and personal. They offer a rich narrative, a wealth of detail, and a helpful tip or two for other consumers. 

Think about your recent experience at a business - could you put details in there that would help future consumers like you?  
  • Try detailing your favorite (or least favorite) dishes at your local restaurant.
  • Talk about an experience that will keep you coming back (or staying away) for years to come.
  • Highlight an employee who went the extra mile to make your experience memorable.
  • Include tips about the best time to arrive, where to park, or where the best seating is. 
  • Describe why you’ll be using this service (plumber, caterer, contractor, etc.) again for your next project. 

What should I leave out of my review? 

You should aim to keep your review accurate and reflective of a genuine, personal experience. For example, personal opinions (“the food here is the best”) are good, but speculation or exaggeration (“they probably use unicorn meat in their tacos”) is something we frown upon. 
More details about what to leave out of your review can be found in Yelp’s Content Guidelines