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Support Center

How can we help?

How do I report a review?

Before you report a review, please read more about our guidelines and the reasons why we might remove a review. Yelp is a community-driven site, and removing photos, reviews, or other user content is not something we take lightly—we generally allow users to stand behind what they write. We’ll send a message to your registered email when the content has been evaluated by our moderators, which may take several days. We’ll also notify the reviewer if their content is removed.

Instructions for:

Business Owners

Yelp for Business

From the Yelp for Business website (biz.yelp.com)

If you come across a review that you feel may violate Yelp's guidelines, please let our moderators know by reporting it. Keep in mind that you may still need to claim your business page in order to report content from a business account. 
  1. Locate the review in the Reviews section of your business account
  2. Find the More Options button (the three dots) and click Report Review:
Report Review
Our moderators will evaluate the review against our Content Guidelines, which may take several days. Shortly after you report a review, you can see the status of your report by hovering your cursor over the flag icon that appears next to the review. This will explain whether we are in the process of reviewing your report, or if we decided not to remove the content. Check your email for a notification of our decision—you can see which email address you’ve registered with Yelp in Account Settings


From the Yelp for Business app

1. Locate the review
2. Tap the 3 dots More Options (iPhone) or Overflow Menu (Android) icon
3. Tap Report Review

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From yelp.com

Keep in mind that you'll need to be signed up with Yelp and logged in to your account in order to report any content.

1. Locate the review on the business page or in the user's profile
2. From the business page: Find the More Options button (the three dots) and click Report review
3. From the user's profile: Find the flag icon and click to Report review

Our moderators will evaluate the review against our Content Guidelines, which may take several days. Check your email for a notification of our decision - you can see which email address you’ve registered with Yelp in Account Settings.

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From an iPhone/Android

1. Locate the review
2. Tap the 3 dots More Options (iPhone) or Overflow Menu (Android) icon
3. Tap Report Review

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