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How do I find and purchase a Yelp Deal?

Finding a Yelp Deal

Yelp Deals and Gift Certificates are currently available in the US and Canada. To find businesses offering Yelp Deals, search the site and keep an eye out for the little green tag that shows up on results:

User-added image

When searching, you can also click All Filters or tap Filter and select "Offering a Deal" to see results exclusively for businesses offering Yelp Deals.


You can purchase a voucher by clicking or tapping the Buy Now link on the business page. You'll pay up front for the cost of the Deal, and we'll email you your voucher as soon as the transaction has been completed. Once you have the redemption code for that voucher, you can use your Deal.

Please note that Yelp Deals can only be purchased from Yelp, not through any third-party websites or second hand from other Yelp users. If you're running into any errors while purchasing, please read our troubleshooting tips.

If you have questions about redeeming a deal you've already purchased, please read our guidelines.